What We Do

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The easiest way to get moving again is to join a class!

£6 per class with a 4 week minimum, click here to join.

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Online Classes

As an extra for signing up and joining the SBP lessons, there are a number of online lessons available too. These will see you through the breaks and also let you do extra if you want to. The benefit of the online classes is they are there whenever you want them and can fit into your lifestyle.

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Personalised Plans

If you’re looking for something completely tailored to your specific needs, a personalised plan might be the right for you. From an initial consultation we will work together to bring a plan to life for you and your needs, with follow up sessions over 6 weeks to track progress.

From £15 for your personalised plan

Explore more

If you have been to some of the classes and are interested in finding out more about some of the exercises, then there are some focussed videos on several exercises, with accompanying booklets you can buy.

Get a set of four videos from £10 with accompanying booklets looking at the exercises in detail